Friday, October 4, 2013

Author Interview – Tom Skinner

What are you most proud of in your personal life? My first picture book “Round Fish Square Bowl’ was published just before my mum died. So pretty chuffed I could show her an advance copy though sadly she wasn’t around for the book launch.

What book genre of books do you adore? Picture books have a magic that no other genre can match.

What book should everybody read at least once? Their own!

Is there any books you really don’t enjoy? Ones with dull first pages.

When I Started, I Wish Someone Had Told Me: Follow your heart over your head. It’s a harder organ to control but it makes the best decisions.

The Biggest Mistake I Ever Made Was: Believing my ‘fame’ would be instant and prolonged – instead of slow and protracted!

What other jobs have you had in your life? Quite a few part time jobs while studying – dishwashing, petrol pumping, pizza delivery,chemistry tutor etc. I was a postman for seven years and then a mail sorter on the nightshift for six years before I resigned in April 2000 to pursue a writing career. No dog bites since.

How many friends does a person need? I find two or three great friends is ample. One could argue you need to be your own best friend!

What do you consider the most challenging about writing a novel, or about writing in general? Showing up on the page. And then showing that page to others!

Have you developed a specific writing style? I’m told that having one’s own style is more valuable than rubies. If true, I am ruby rich!

Have you ever had writer’s block? Yes. It’s taken me 13 years to write a series. Always had the concept, title and characters but no plot.

If so, what do you do about it? In this (series) case I just decided that’s what I was going to do, developed a very strict and classic template, and used the same plot for all 10 books with minor variations, title, locations, sayings etc

Why did you choose to write this particular alphabet book? I thought the market was flooded with ho hum ‘A is for apple’ “B is for ball’ type books plus I read a recent study which showed babies can distinguish vowel sounds up to 3 months before birth – fascinating stuff – so why not give them a range of simple and sophisticated sounds.


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Genre – Children’s Picture Book

Rating – G

More details about the author

Connect with Tom Skinner on Twitter & Goodreads


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