How much of the book is realistic? That depends on how you look at it. A catastrophic solar flare could happen according to some scientists. There’s a lot of speculation about how devastating it would be. However, if the worst case scenario played out, some of the circumstances in the book could happen.
Have you included a lot of your life experiences, even friends, in the plot? Yes! My husband is a corporate pilot, just like Gary – the main character. Additionally we live in Florida, and the town Molly lives in is based on the city where I went to college. And there are a lot of other little things I took from my life that made their way into the book. I think most writers do that in some form or another.
What are your goals as a writer? Eventually, I’d like to write full time. It would be great to make it to the NYT bestseller list, but I’d be happy just making enough to put my little girl through college without loans!
What books have most influenced your life? The Harry Potter books, The Lord of the Rings books, The Poisonwood Bible, and Matilda.
Can we expect any more books from you in the future? Yes! I have a Young Adult dystopian book in the works now called The Cure, and I’m planning my third tentatively titled What Grace is Given me.
Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully writing full time!
Are there any new authors that have sparked your interest and why? I think Marissa Meyer is an amazing new author. Cinder was one of those books I just couldn’t stop thinking about, and Scarlet was just as good. I seldom get excited about brand new authors. Further, the second book in a series rarely lives up to the first. She blew through both of those barriers with flying colors! I can’t wait to see what else she has planned!
What contributes to making a writer successful? Stick-to-it-ive-ness!
The world is thrust into darkness and silence, but no one knows why.
Molly is an English professor at a local liberal arts college when the world suddenly goes dark. Her husband, Gary, is a corporate pilot on the other side of the country. Grounded by what appears to be a catastrophic power outage, he has no way to communicate with his wife, let alone get home to her.
Not knowing whether her husband is alive or dead, Molly struggles to adapt to her new environment: without power, running water, transportation, a stable food supply, or any long-distance means of communication. Without knowing the cause of the outage, Gary must decide whether to wait for things to go back to normal, or to make the long and dangerous journey home on foot. Both must learn to survive after the Blackout.
If you liked Alas, Babylon you’ll love The Blackout!
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Genre – Adult Fiction / Contemporary
Rating – PG13 (some strong language)
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