Friday, December 6, 2013

Author Interview – J.L. Lawson @J_L_Lawson

Image of J. L. Lawson
What movie do you love to watch?
Back when I moved around a lot more, the first movies in the VCR after getting everything out of boxes and settling in would be: The Quiet Man, Highlander, and Princess Bride. Not much has changed.
Are you a city slicker or a country lover?
Does it have to be so black and white? I live in the country and love it. Wouldn’t have it any other way. At the same time, I love spending loads of time in New York City, San Francisco, Austin or in Santa Fe—although that latter may actually not qualify per se.
What’s the reason for your life? Have you figured out your reason for being here yet?
Oaks make acorns. Of all the species of organic life on earth, Humans grow souls—or that is their purpose anyway. Obviously not all people do.
How do you feel about self-publishing?
Depends on when you ask. Right now: Very Good about it. A few years ago: terrified.
Do you know your neighbors?
Absolutely! We depend on them and they depend on us. Living out in the country isn’t like keeping an urban apartment. We have dogs to deter coyotes, raccoons, deer and bobtails from making a permanent home here. We all contribute to making sure that the vagaries of nature don’t have the last word on our safety and comfort.
Do you find the time to read?
Most definitely. Between blogger sites I enjoy, articles in Cracked, and my latest new-found jewel: Debora Geary’s “Witches…” I am on cloud nine. Of course I can’t both read other folks stuff AND write at the same time. Not because of a shadow of possible influence—perish the thought. It’s simply a matter of time. Example: I picked up the first book of D. Geary’s series and promptly spent the next six days reading everything she’s published to date—no time for my writing routine. In like manner, when I’m writing it’s an all day everyday investment of time and energies—no time for my reading routine. Sigh.

An Honest Man
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Genre - Metaphysical/Fantasy/Action Adventure
Rating – G
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Weigh Anchor
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Genre - Science Fiction/Metaphysical/Adventure
Rating – G
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The Elf & Huntress
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Science Fiction/Metaphysical/Adventure
Rating – G
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Quality Reads UK Book Club Disclosure: Author interview / guest post has been submitted by the author and previously used on other sites.


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