Monday, November 18, 2013

Author Interview – Julian Rosado

How much of the book is realistic? All references of historical places and persons are real, all references to technology and science are rooted in the real world, I do a lot of research while I write. Thomas and Morgan are exploring that “World within our World” full of Magic and Mythology that we perceive but is hidden from normal people by Guardians Inc.

Have you included a lot of your life experiences, even friends, in the plot? Yes I have. Friends, family, places, but most of all, little allusions to authors, shows, or scientists I admire, some references are hidden, others not so much.

How important do you think villains are in a story? A hero is only as heroic as the villain he’s facing, so villains are one of the most important aspects of any story.

Can we expect any more books from you in the future? They are underway!

Where do you see yourself in five years? Doing other projects, mine and from other writers, my plan is to begin my own small publisher house and I‘ve already put that plan into motion.

What are your current writing projects now? I’m revising Book three of Guardians Inc. and I already started Book 4. The end is near though and the series ending is already written and locked up in a disc.

Are you reading any interesting books at the moment? If you meet the Budda on the road, Kill him!  by Sheldon B, Kopp.  Very interesting, and I’m not saying anymore until I finish it.

Do you have any advice for writers? Writers write, so get to it! These words come directly from my father…

What do you do to unwind and relax? The usual I guess, read, watch TV. play with my sons and daughter. I am very fond of the short afternoon nap too!

If you could leave your readers with one bit of wisdom, what would you want it to be? One word of wisdom…. Persevere.


A chance reading of a newspaper ad will send 16 year old Thomas Byrne into the world within our world.  Following the ad he will find Guardians Incorporated. A seven thousand year old organization charged with protecting the balance between Magic and technology.

Through their guidance technology has kept Magic at bay since the Renaissance, but the balance is shifting and soon all those creatures we’ve driven into myth and legend will come back with a vengeance. To protect the present, Guardians Incorporated needs to know the future and to unlock the future they need a cypher.

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Genre – YA Fantasy / Adventure

Rating – G

More details about the author

Connect with Julian Rosado-Machain on Facebook



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